This poem dedicated to my school – Mount Hermon, was written on December 26, 1999. As I sit and try to pen down the story behind this poem I am reminded of one particular person Mr.Coutinho, our English Teacher. This particular year Mr. Coutinho made our entire batch “THE AXS”(Now all Hermonites will know the tradition of naming their batches from junior class and that name sticks with them till they graduate from school) write minimum one poem. As a result, we had a poem book publish, probably for the first time (and last) in the history of Mount Hermon. Many memories flood as I read this one again- Not all of us were writers and some of us because we had to write something took a line each from our favorite hard metals songs and turned them into our poetry(now that’s what i call innovation !;)) When I got my copy of the Blue book I was like WOW!!! This is the most fantastic thing I have done to contribute towards one more history of our glorious MH… I wonder who all still have that book. Sadly I have misplaced mine.
As I rewrite this again I cannot stop humming our all-time favorite — Hail Mount Hermon! Hail Mount Hermon! Safe from aye in memory’s Shrine, & Old Walls are friendly walls, friendly walls farewell!!
To all my Hermonite friends whose heart still beats nostalgically when they hear the Old walls or the Hail Mount Hermon …. 🙂 Happy reading 🙂 🙂
Adieu Sweet MH
Laughing, crying, loving, caring
We have come to yet another end
To start our life again, anew.
Hurting, healing yet another year has rolled by,
And I stand again to take my new flight –
To the distant horizon unknown.
Our path must be separated,
Our love must be carried in our heart
But my dear not ended.
My unknown destiny beacons me
I must follow the voice to where it leads
I must leave for my destiny in a corner awaits.
No, not yet, I do not want to go.
But I cannot stay,
For time, I have not much
And the road ahead is a long way.
If dreams could come true
I would dream of living eternity with you
But we must part to meet again.
As I walk ahead, my steps may falter
I may slip more than once
Before I reach my faith.
Then hold me close in your arms
Let me not slip away.
Let your love mold me
And help me not to go astray.
Let the things I have received from you
With me forever stay.
And guide me through the darkness
And take me to light
Let your grey walls remain forever
In my mind and heart engraved
And I will keep your memories deep within my heart
For them to never more depart.

Hi Namrata, I belong to the Class of ’76, read your nostalgic poem composed with bits and pieces from various school songs. Very nice. I can well understand what this unique school means to u, as we all have very fond memories of it. In fact I always regret having not made the best of use of what the school had to offer to us. There was so much to learn and do. It was trulya amazing place.
Hi Arun, I am humbled by your appreciation.Yes indeed Mount Hermon is a very unique school. I remember my school days with fond memories. I have not seen any other school where in a teacher and a student have such strong bonds. I still remember during our lunch time me and one of my friend use to take round with one of our teacher. She was a darling and we learnt a lot from her during our informal interaction. Till date she remains a good friend. I guess the “grey walls” do have such effects on you. 🙂